Come, come on down, down
Yet I barely move, my bed is made of nails
I try to roll, my skin slowly tears away
My flesh is stuck to my bed as I begin my day
Walking out the house, this morning, the sky is red
The streets are crowded with the bodies of the living dead
They're trying to die, they're leaping off of roof tops
Uh, they only scream in pain as their body flops
I'd rather stay inside my home and only pray to die
But my house is been on fire since like '85
I can only stand a night of the fatal smoke
But see you never die, you only burn and choke
So I leave out the house and walk the land
Wild pigs run and feed off the dying man
And look around you, there's bodies hanging from the trees
But they're not dying, they're only crying "please"
I hear the thunder in the sky, so I run in hide
The deadly rain may soon come down, you got to get inside
The lunatics see the lightning, they're screaming, yes
It's raining blood, the streets are a bloody mess
About once or twice a week though it thunder storms
That's when giant heavy red and black clouds form
It's raining blood, livers, and kidneys from the sky
Prepare cuz when you die, you're coming to the killing fields
"What shall that be? What shall that be? When that fine moment
comes. When the curtains are drawn, the windows are shut, the
doors close, and you've written what you've written, you said
it, that's it. What will you look to be? What about it, mister,
when you've had your last beer. You laughed at family and
laughed at your little wife. She begged you not to go out to
that bar."
As I feed off a dead pig, I'm thinking back
To when I had a heart beat, and how I would act
I would steal from the poor, I'd laugh at the sick
But in the killing fields, you get your fucking neck ripped
So as I walk along, I meet a lot of strange folks
Some people with no eyes, and gashed open throats
And if they notice your eyeballs are working well
They try to dig em out your skull, and go for self
Now in the summertime, it's like a whole 'nother realm
Water victims, fire, and oceans overwhelm
To walk outside, the heat will surely cook your brains
Try to run across the street your hair will burst in flames
Victims in a panic run from the heated light
Underneath the city, into the sewer pipes
Into the fire storm this becomes your new land
But there's no food, so you feed off the other men
And now it's been seven months, I'm barely fed
I chase a Billy Billy goat with a human's head
He's steady screaming "Let me be! Let me be!"
But while I chase him there's another demon chasing me
All of time moves backwards, I'm growing old
And the clouds are burning fire, and so I'm told
That there's a lot of living souls such as the rich
That choose to live like a bitch, I'll see you in the Killing Fields
"You've had your big time of lust and sin and filth. What is
the end going to be when you realize that time is up? You've
crossed the finish line going in the wrong direction. What
shall it be? What about it, ya man? When you spent your life
in a few years time? You're burned out shell at 25 years of
age. What shall it be? What about it?"
You could go to hell "(what shall it be?)"
Come, come on down, down (you're going to the killing fields)
Hell no, I won't go

Oj! Uppriktigt förvånad över förra veckans chart på Hur kunde ICP vinna över både Misfits och Graves? Det måste vara ICP min dator roar sig med när jag inte är hemma :D Stora Tösen, en juggalette?
Total allein in meiner Seele
Komm schalt' dich ein
Aus weiter Ferne berühr ich dich
Kannst du es fühlen?
Komm sei so kalt wie ich!
Jetzt küsse ich deine Plastikhaut
Erotik-Chip ist eingebaut
Aus weiter Ferne spreche ich zu dir
Kannst du es hören?
Komm und hab' Sex mit mir!
Computersex! Computersex!
Computersex! Computersex!
Deinen Körper kann ich nicht sehen.
Ein Tastendruck und du bist schön.
Aus meinem Computer kommt die Illusion.
Kannst du sie spüren?
Meine Ejakulation!
Computersex! - Bei 50 Grad
Computersex! - Ist so wie ich es mag...
Computersex! - Viel schöner als in echt...
Computersex! - Ich werd' verrückt!
In my room
Many people think im odd but I talk with no one,
And I walk alone,and I avoid sunlight with a chalky tone
I get home and dont say hi, it aint no one there,
I dont care I walk in and go right up the stairs
To my room
Get in bed and just wait for dark cause thats when the real show starts (tap tap)
'tap tap' on the glass go the piece of ass'
So young and pretty its too bad she past
But she comes to my room and we talk at night,she's demonic and bloody,
but she holds me tight
In my bedroom,with her im never alone,and I kiss her cold lips until morning comes
Then she gone, I can still hear her voice loom.
But she only exists in the dark of my room
(I cant ignore you)
In my room
(do anything for you)
(I do adore you)
In My Room...
You and I
I try to smile alot,but im always frontin,but I do love a ghost and atleast thats something.
She dont talk much, when she do it get cold,
Usually we just lay there and we hold each other, we're lovers we dont need others,
One of my mother's cats jumped up on the covers
And it scared my baby guess she dont like pets so I twisted its fuckin head off at the neck
Look baby, it's bloody, it's gone, it's doomed, please come back to the room I do anything for thy, dont ignore me this is more than a sick love story
W/o you I'd bring a shotgun to school and I will if you want me to for any reason
I hate that u leave when the lights come on and if I had it my way the fuckin sun would be gone!
Sometimes I kiss her and I start shakin, she slips me the tongue and it taste like bacon.
Uh oh somethings wrong baby's upset, she told me she was spotted by the neighbors kid
She cant come back now cause they know our secret, unless I can make them keep it.
If I do she may come to life now in their yard with a shotgun and knife
Cut the screen, went in and found the kid
Blew a bowl of spaghetti in the side of his head,the daddy was next runnin down the hall, I shredded his throat and he was quick to fall, tossed the mossberg and gripped the knife, started stabbin' the shit out of his wife,
Went home a bloody mess with a job well done, wash up and wait for my baby to come
I waited two or three days, four days, waited for the tap tap like always. I waited and hated this I created a bloody mess.
I waited two or three months, four months, waited for the tap tap just for once. I waited and hated this I created a bloody mess.
I waited two or three days, four days, waited for the tap tap like always. I waited and hated this I created a bloody mess.
I waited two or three months, four months, waited for the tap tap just for once. I waited and hated this I created a bloody mess.
I stab people
i have heart of the devil
i can make a man
freeze in his tracks
i can make a man
fall to his death
i can make a girl
so eager to please
i can make a young girl
lay down for me
because i'm evil
and love is gone
i can make the skies
thunder and shake
i can make the world
tremble and quake
i can make your pulse
pound in your veins
i can make your heart
stop and start again
because i'm evil
love is gone
i can make the world
tremble and shake
i can make the skies
black in my wake
i can make a girl
so eager to please
i can make a young girl
lay down for me
because i'm evil
and love is gone
my love is gone
Finns med i SAG, och betyder detsamma som den engelska föregångaren "delicious".
Fuck the Devil, fuck that shit!
Let your playlist define your personality!
Put all of your songs in ONE playlist, and press random for each answer. Easy peasy!
How does the world see me?
Asmégin - Af Helvegum
Will I have a happy life?
Wolfsheim - I don't love you anymore
Ja, det bådar ju gott :S
How can I make myself happy?
Elvis Presley - (You're the) Devil in disguise
Hehe, det här blir bara mer och mer svårtytt.
Will I ever have children?
The Misfits - Angelfuck
Yay! Barn och bra sex!
What is some good advice for me?
Progidy - Breathe
Jag pratar för mycket, jag vet.
What do I think my current theme song is?
Ghoultown - Bury the Hatched
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Kraftwerk - Musique Non-stop
What song will play at my funeral?
The Misfits - Hellhound
Haha! Sade ju det! Sprungen ur helvetet!
What type of men do I like?
Lords of Acid - Cybersex Scherzo
What is my day tomorrow going to be like?
Apoptygma Berzerk - Like Blood from the Beloved
Mer mensvärk, alltså. Blä.
Why am I here?
The Misfits - I wanna be NY Ranger
Det är mitt livsmål! Män i uniformer!
What will people remember me for?
Apoptygma Berzerk - Half Asleep
Stämmer. Jag sover för mycket.
What song will i get stuck in my head tomorrow?
Horrorpops - Baby Lou Tattoo
Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
De Lyckliga Kompisarna - Troll och Häxor
Låter inte helt ofarligt :S Var är orcherna då?!
What will this year be all about?
De Lyckliga Kompisarna - Där värmen tar vid
Sommaren, mrrrr.
Who loves me the most?
Insane Clown Posse - Cemetary Girl
Vem är hon då? Och varför är hon inte en karl?
What am I most proud of?
Bloodsucking Zombies from Outer Space - Teardrops in Hell
Mer helvetesreferenser. :(
What do I regret the most?
Violent J - What U thinkin' about
Ingenting, uppenbarligen!
What is my deepest darkest secret?
Insane Clown Posse - Clown Love
Hehe, huh?
What do I want to be when I grow up?
Danzig - Soul on Fire
What would I spend a million dollars on?
Bloodsucking Zombies from Outer Space - Attack from Transilvania
Yeah! Jag vill lugnt ha en vampyrattack!
Do I make you horny, baby?
Ponera att du hänger med en het snubbe hem efter en trevlig kväll på krogen. Väl hemma tänder han lite ljus och sätter på musik, och ur högtalarna strömmar ...Barry White. Det finns bara ett sätt att hantera en sådan situation: Med ett stort djävla skratt, för ingen kan väl seriöst tro att lite maskulin bassång får tjejerna att slänga trosor åt höger och vänster för att sedan ivrigt slita upp bältesspännet på karln i fråga?
Det finns musik som passar bättre, som är bättre avsedd för ändamålet. Vem vill inte sexxa lite till tonerna av Rein Raus av Rammstein? Råare toner, bättre takt och inte minst hetare stämma. I'd do Till Lindemann före Barry White anyday, baby!
Jag och exet brukade spela Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth och Opeth när vi sexxade. En sak är säker: Ombyte förnöjer. Rutiner är dåligt och bör undvikas. I samma sekund man hör Thirteen autumns and a widow och exet började hånga häftigare (inte coolare, utan mer pang-på) så visste man att "jahaja, nu kör vi igen". Alltid samma sak, aldrig någon förändring. Men hey! Säger man inte ifrån får man skylla sig själv, right?
I högtalarna just nu
The Munster Creep
and turn the lights down
try a new dance
that just blew into town
put out your arms like a Frankenstein
stomp around the room and have a crazy time
and do the creep (do the creep)
do the monster creep
and do the creep (do the creep)
do the monster creep
all you've got to do is just stomp your feet
and put out your arms like if you're walking in your sleep
ah-ha-ha, do the creep, do the monster creep
ah-ha-ha, do the creep, do the monster creep
come on everybody
and sip a witches' brew
(do the creep, do the monster creep)
you can do the creep now
like the monsters do
(do the creep, do the monster creep)
make like a vulture, give your girl a scare
she can be a vampire if you're on your neck
and do the creep (do the creep)
do the monster creep
and do the creep (do the creep)
do the monster creep
if you do the creep and you do it well
your favorite ghoul friend will be under your spell, ah-ha-ha
(do the creep, do the monster creep)
come on every midnight,
and bring your special date
everybody's bleeding
at the cemetary gate
if they look dead, but the minute we arrive
the clock strikes twelve and then they comes alive
we do the creep (do the creep)
do the monster creep
we do the creep (do the creep)
do the monster creep
turn on this record
turn your lights way down
and try a new dance
that just blew into town
ah-ha-ha, do the creep (do the creep)
do the monster creep, ah-ha-ha
along the maddening march of death
with the furor and the masses
whose supremacies is the dominion
alien bodies stiff and cold
your inner sane turns numb
you transform into a rage
too naive to understand
and as they go on the sacrifice grows
we're living on ground zero, fire
this island earth
target locked, systems checked, enter code
we're living on ground zero, fire
(fire, this island earth)
locked up in a room
human beings in a cage
the sentence a scienced death
as they pull the triggers of ray guns
evil blackened eyes of youth
absorbing life's hidden anguish
death thrown all about the ground
or those who wouldn't fight
and as they go on the sacrifice grows
we're living on ground zero, fire
this island earth
target locked, systems checked, enter code
we're living on ground zero, fire
(fire, this island earth)
we're living on this island earth
(this island earth)
we're living on this island earth
(this island earth)
we're living on this island earth
(this island earth)
we're living on this island earth
Vodka trinkt man pur und kald

Dschinghis Khan är fortfarande mina husgudar. <3
Saturday Night
Then I could be holding you tight all week long
There wouldn’t be any mondays to make me feel blue
From monday until sunday I’ll be making love to you-hou-hou.
Imagine you here by my side just like this
There wouldn’t be any time to miss your kiss
No need to rush our worries, to tell you good night
If it was saturday night, saturday night, saturday night all week long
/Johnny Burnette
Secret Game
we never be apart
the sun you see is me
no more pain
no memories remain
now you can play with me
so love me now you are the one
I give you all the stars I see
the rain is gone no pain is here
my heart I beg you all your love
come to me
we never be apart
the sun you see is me
no more pain
no memories remain
now you can play
all the games with me
Burn in hell
Här finns lite info. Och JAG är ju så hardcore att jag såg den här på 4chan LÅNGT innan fucking Jamba gjorde ringsignal av den. Usch, jag gillar inte Jamba.
Men jag gillar 4chan! I synnerhet /b/ <3

The Lunacy of Lonely Mr. Cadaver
The expiration date's come and gone now, baby
Leave me here to rot and forget about me please
And I'm so cold
I gave all my warmth to some fucking asshole
And now I'm dead you see, I'm just a lonely zombie
And my heart's so sick
I don't think I can handle this now
Rigor mortis sets in, good God I feel so stiff
And my brain's shut down
I went and hid, deadlock, baby
I've lost my memory, it's just post mortem me
I'm just a lonely zombie.

Lilla Zombie i källarförrådet (bild: Älsklilla)
Gone going
Bloodsucking Zombies
Av de fyra bandmedlemmarna är det bara trummisen/sångaren som ser kool ut; se till exempel på snubben med synthen (wtf?!) eller tönten med gitarren. What's the deal-ee-oh? Well, det roar mig i alla fall :)
Låten är bra, men min dator flipptrippar och jag kan inte se mer än halva videon. Förhoppningsvis fungerar det bättre för er som har snälla datorer!
Bloodsucking Zombies from Outer Space - Reign of Devil
...jag hoppas att min dator slutar döda internet hela tiden - jag skall maila in min tentamen om inte allt för länge. Fungerar det inte att maila vid två måste jag ta tåget in till Lund och försöka maila från inne i skolbyggnaden eller något. Argh.
Walk like a zombie
You talk like a zombie
Its not in your head
You're a living dead
Whatever you're gonna do
You're gonna make me cry
And you wanna hold hands
In the cemetery
And you wanna be lost
For all eternity
And everything is dark
And kind of scary
And you crave the full moon
But i don't care
And you want a mountaintop
With a little castle
And you wanna name our kids
Morticia and fester
And all the flowers you bring
Are always dead
And you howl at the moon
But i don't care
Six feet under
You make me wonder
You wanna be undead
So you can be hunted
But whatever you're gonna do
I'm gonna follow you

Detta är mitt 700:e inlägg.
Hear no evil
Tanzwut – Tanzwut
Deep Eynde - 13th floor
Eurythmics – Thorn in my side
Crüxshadows – Deception
Dschinghis Khan – Moskau
Michale Graves – 1 million lightyears from her
Morlocks – Truth or betrayal
Metallica – Whiskey in the jar
System of a Down – Chop Suey
Rammstein – Dalai Lama
Welle:Erdball – Computersex
Rhapsody – Dawn of Victory