People are people/You set up us the bomb! (2006)

Rubrik: People are people.
Daterat: 2006-07-22 00:16:00


Jag och Amanda gick ut, tema skoluniform. Och GUDARS SKYMNING, vad är det med er män vad gäller plisserade kjolar, slips och knästrumpor?! ALLA har stirrat, visslat, hojtat, försökt prata med oss, komplimenterat oss för våra kläder, fotograferat oss... Det var till och med en som av någon okänd anledning tog av sig sina byxor för oss. Folk tror oss när vi säger att vi är sjutton, folk frågar om vi verkligen går i skola och har uniform för det, folk har frågat om vi är scouter eller om vi är med i någon sekt. Vi har skrattat i mjugg, sagt att vi är satanister, sagt att vi är sjutton, dissat dem som fan - och ändå ger de inte upp? Allt detta på EN HALVTIMME!!
Blonda flickor i skoluniform är tydligen teh shit. Visserligen är vi ju djävligt heta båda två, men ÄNDÅ!

Imorgon skall vi ha tema korsertter istället, får se ifall det blir bättre eller sämre. ;P

Saturday, July 22, 2006

You set up us the bomb!

All of your base are belong to us!

This is my evening:
I got dressed, school uniform ftw, and got home to Amanda. She got dressed, school uniform, and we biked out to the city. We took a walk through town centre, to get to the harbor, and during that fifteen minutes (max!) walk we got comments from almost everyone we met, guys whistled after us and people stared like there was no tomorrow. Then we bought ice cream and sat on a bench on the beach walk, and that's when the real action began. Everyone who passed by stared, one guy asked us kindly to have his picture taken with him between us on the bench and another guy tried very hard to pick us both up for a club he was going to. (he tried this by complimenting our shoes, our socks, asking if we were scouts, laughing uncomfortably when we said that we were satanists (lol!) and by trying to persuade us to go with him by skipping through subjects very fast) While talking to him, I noticed someone moving behind me, and saw a guy with his pants all down, asking if he could get his picture taken with him like that behind us. We got up and ran off very fast.
Then we heard some guy saying something like we looked like those girls who are in british pr0n movies, but we ignored him. He sucked, anyway.
We got to Effes, were the bartender was very keen on seeing identification for us (Swedish limits for buying booze is 18) and almost didn't believe me when I showed him my ID, telling him I am 22. Some older lady warmly complimented our outfits, and all the d00ds at the place stared - like the rest of the guys already had. Then some guy from the table next to us asked why we were dressed like that - he told us he and his company had been discussing us for a while. We told him we were mormons and that we were scouts, and he looked confused and walked off.
And now I'm home, losing all my respect for the human race.


Please, tell me: What is the deal with men and blonde girls in school uniforms? No one bothered the girls in high heels and dresses that was so revealing they'd rather go naked, but us? We looked so pristine, like nuns! Allright, our skirts was rather short, but that's that! We didn't show any cleavage, and the only skin visible (except face and hands and such) was our thighs down to our knees! Why does everyone want to pick up a girl looking like she's 16-17 wearing a school uniform?
Comment and let me know, ok?


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